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  • 🎯 NY Times is a gaming company now

🎯 NY Times is a gaming company now

Plus Alibaba's market share troubles, public cloud's unstoppable growth and more

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We are back today with a new post.

Today, we have charts/infographics on the following topics:

  1. NYT’s evolution into a subscription (gaming) company

  2. Alibaba’s market share troubles

  3. Semiconductor value chain

  4. A look at US vs. Europe diverging productivity

  5. Public Cloud’s unstoppable growth

Let’s dive in.

1) NYT is a gaming company now

NYT has dramatically evolved its business model in the last 15 years, moving steadily from ads driven revenue to paid digital subscriptions.

NYT is no longer about news though.

NYT games is a hugely popular app (remember that NYT acquired the viral game Wordle in 2022), and recent data suggests that users spend more time playing games than reading news.

2) Alibaba is in trouble

Alibaba stock is down almost 72% from it is all time high.

But don’t just go bargain hunting yet.

Alibaba is losing market share rapidly in the Chinese ecommerce market - Its market share (Taobao, Tmall collectively) is down from 48% in 2020 to est 34% in 2024.

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3) Understanding semiconductor value chain

Semiconductor stocks are all the rage, but how well do you understand the industry?

I love this visualization from Quartr which simplifies the key companies in the value chain. Full article here.

4) Productivity in US > Europe

Internet is often raging with US vs. Europe debate. Here is another interesting chart.

Productivity (defined as real GDP / person employed) between US and Europe has diverged since the pandemic. What do you think is going on?

5) Cloud is unstoppable

One of my favorite investing trends is Public cloud.

Revenue of major public cloud providers: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and Oracle is set to cross $370bn by 2026 (a growth of 57% from $236bn in 2024), according to BNP.

This is not surprising as most of the world’s IT is still on-premise. I came to similar growth conclusion when I did my own forecast - see explanation here.

That’s all for this post!

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